Royal Naval
Aircraft Artificers -
Classes of '49
The Classes of '49
(Plus Guest Classes)
Scroll down for more classes
Click individuals for close-ups and names

(Missing from picture: John ('Jack') Martin, Jan Sendall & Jack Siddons)
Click individuals for close-ups and names

Condor Hood Division (1949 - 1953) passing out,
April 1953

Class of May 1948 at Condor
(Image kindly supplied by Dave Alty)
Click individuals to enlarge and see

S4 Class Jervis Division of 1952
(Image kindly provided by Geoff Burlingham)
Missing from the photo: Jan Sendall; Ray Wall; Trev Lines; John Reeve; Charlie
Ops Bateman
(Sorry, no close-ups)

"Hooks" of Series 6 1950 at HMS FISGARD
Images donated by Ted Ranyard:
(Click on left or right half for larger images)

(Click image for larger version)
